Jan 2023

spooky house

I'm starting to explore witchery/witchcraft.

  1. Witchy Practices
  2. Starting a Daily Card Reading
  3. Book Reading, Links and ToDo

Witchy Practices

I've been having David's Teas, the wellness versions. The sore throat and headache halo are divine. Everything tastes good. I add some honey for a sore throat that I've been developing.

I've started daily card readings and reflecting upon them.

Thursday, I am making soup. Frozen potstickers, udon noodles, various spices from my pantry, no salt chicken broth, no salt green beans, dried broccoli. I felt very positive and energetic making it. It wasn't a chore. I hope this comes out well.

Slightly later me and the soup is amazing.

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Starting a Daily Card Reading

I am using The Wisdom of the Fairy Oracle.

Wed 18 - Fairytales - about letting go
There have been a lot of things I have been letting go. Letting go of the idea of having a 'normal winter' life with other folk. Accepting what my body is telling me. Taking care of it. Spoiling it a bit in small ways like healing teas. I am looking into natural, magickal dried broths. But I am big on using what I have too.

Thur 19 - Trust Me - Trust, Surrender, Leap of Faith into the unknown
This is an interesting card. I just read a book duology - Sisters of the Vast Black and Sisters of the Forsaken Stars. Its nuns in space, and deals a lot with Catholicism, faith, good versus order, redemption and many other themes. It was a transcendant experience reading these books. I am also thinkin about my own relationship to faith.

Do I have faith?

At first I thought not as it did not look like other's. Maybe its spirituality? Where does the line start and end?

But I have a sense of wonder in the world. Its deeply tied to biology, to pretend, to illusions in my mind. Its weird to think this is magick. I thought it had to be bigger.

I am showing faith in myself by trying out the witchy path. I wanted to but wouldn't have let myself younger. I really wanted to be a hyperrational being, but recent events have shown me that the irrational has had and continues to have immense power over me. But this is not a bad thing if I can lead that rationality toward positivity.

Fri 20th - Beauty and the Beast, unconditional love

I'm not in the mood to dig too deep, its a struggle to keep my eyes open. I had an uneven rest, going to bed early but then later waking up from about 2-4am. It will be a stormy day, one can see it outside.

Is unconditional love being ok with myself even when the weather is shit and I feel like shit? Let's see if I can do it. I have been finding some joy today, especially reading Kitchen Witch by Sarah Robinson. Its a delightful historical/mythological/folkloric romp through witch iconography and cooking/food/brewing. I've had some delicious but not too sweet hot chocolate made for me. I am thinking of lunar new year coming this weekend. We have green tea, ingredients to make a humble hot pot. I feel bad but I feel good too.

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Book Reading

The Curanderx Toolkit: Reclaiming Ancestral Latinx Plant Medicine and Rituals for Healing - an incredible 101 resource. I purchased a copy for notetaking and will probably keep coming back to this.


I really like the discord of r/SaSSWitches

About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products - science based database regarding the effectiveness, side affects, possible interactions, etc of various herbs.


Research Chaos Magick/Pop Culture Magick/Hypersigils

black cat running